Even as an adult I really enjoyed eating this. I have to admit, it's not the healthiest snack but it a heck of a lot better than most other things like chips that are fried. The pretzels were crunchy and the cheese was smooth. I still love this kind of cheese. It's a guilty pleasure to say the least! I was worried as I got down to the last few pretzels that there wasn't going to be enough cheese but there was. *phew* After all these years these have not changed a bit and that is a good thing!!

I had my 2 year old try it out and loved it! He had a lot of fun dipping the pretzels in the cheese and licking it off. Looks like he takes after his mommy!
What was your favorite snack growing up?
*I received this pack of gum in my Back to School Snacks CraveBox. However, all opinions are my own and I will always be honest, good or bad.
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I like the idea of pretzels better than the crackers - easier for little hands to scoop with - wont break as easily!